Reliefs 0.3 : Diary of devs #28

Hello everyone!

These two last weeks, many assets were made in order to build the most realistic Roman temples is possible.
Columns, capitals, roofs, walls, floors, everything are sculpted with many variants of the same asset (perfect, worn and broken) for the inside or outside the temples.

For example, inside a temple, if the roof is always here, the columns and other sculptures will always in good condition because they are preserved of the rain and wind. That is not the case for the outside sculptures of the temple.

The temples of the 0.3 version of the game are huge compared to the 0.1 version actually available on Steam. (x5 scale compared to the biggest temple of Reliefs 0.1) This scale is a tool of the gameplay, to use the vertical gameplay of the game. The player needs to use all parts of the gameplay to build a path or to solve a puzzle into the rubble of a huge temple, this is the idea.

Thank you everyone and see you soon for the next Diary of devs!

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